MEETING OF MEMBERS · Wednesday, Jan. 24th
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM (following buffet breakfast served at 7:30)
This is the first meeting of members for 2024, and we encourage anyone unable to join us earlier for coffee mingle and breakfast, to join in for the official segment of our morning program.
Following the presentation from We Thrive, for BELL Let's Talk, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce your Chamber Board members for 2024.
Dale Hoard, President 2024 MicroAge Belleville
Sandra Leslie, 1st Vice President Meta Employment Services
Chris Auger, 2nd Vice President Trent Valley Distributors
Jeanette Cyr-Guerreiro, Treasurer Wilkinson & Company
Anthony Callaghan, Past President McDougall Insurance & Financial
Cristina Cadavid Community Development Council of Quinte
Mike Callaghan Belleville Police Services
Lisa Comerford Central Lakes Assoc. of Realtors
Mark Kirkpatrick Loyalist College
Rakesh Parmar Export Grill and Linguine's
Sandi Ramsay Centre for Workforce Development
Susan Rowe Quinte Health Centre
Abhi Surabhi Zenula Health
Dean Tindale Bel-Con Design-Builders
With the change in bylaws, submitted to Corporations Canada in November 2023, this board will be active until April 30th, with board nominations opening by March 1st, 2024. More information will be provided at the meeting.
Thanks to our sponsor: