City of Belleville

City of Belleville


Municipal, Federal, Provincial Government

Rep/Contact Info

Stephen Ashton
Manager of Planning
Susan Bartlett
Economic Development Administrative Assistant
Rod Bovay
Mary Boyd
Booking and Rental Supervisor
Carson Cross
Training Officer - Belleville Fire Department
Perry Decola
General Manager of Environmental Services
Brett Forestell
Chief Building Official
Tanya Grierson
Program Supervisor - Aquatics-Adult&Senior Program
Ken Hoard
Manager of Parks and Open Spaces
Krista Keller
Administrative Assistant
Steve Lafrance
Facilities Supervisor
Michelle Lochan
Tourism Sector Specialist
Matt MacDonald
Elisha Maguire
Manager Economic Development
Tracy Newton
Marketing & Customer Relations Coordinator
Greg Pinchin
Manager of Approvals
Karen Poste
Doctor Recruitment
Joseph Reid
Transportation and Operations General Manager
Richard Reinert
Manager of Environmental Services
Sarah Tummon-Button
Mayor's Assistant
Victoria Watts
Business Growth and Retention Specialist
Mark Wilson